Russ Rowlands

Kyrene School Board

Candidate  2024

Nice to Meet You




I am running for Kyrene School District because classrooms, school libraries, and curricula should completely focus on core competencies and the holistic education of our kids. I passionately believe politics and radical philosophies should not be dictating curriculum in our classrooms. I recently retired from Honeywell, where I dealt with private and government contracts often. I understand the complexities of and nuances A mosaic art on a wall

Description automatically generatedto negotiations when it comes to the taxpayers dollar. As with many government bureaucracies, the school systems across the country is bogged down with infighting, and inefficiencies. I will bring the experience and expertise to break through the red tape, and bring streamline to how our tax dollars are spent and bring people together synergistically to solve issues.


What does a school board do?

Since the turn of the century, there have been many changes in the way public schools operate, but the basic governance structure has stayed much the same as a local, nonpartisan school board, elected by the citizens of the community that support the schools. Board members are responsible for allocating public resources, hiring and evaluating the superintendent, setting salaries for employees, approving curriculum materials and adopting the school calendar.


Why are you running for the board?

I'm running because it's so important to keep strong public schools in our Kyrene community. Education has always been a priority for me and my family. I want to help ensure that every child in Kyrene receives a quality education.  I want to bring in my business experience from Honeywell supply chain officer as there is always room for improvement, so we can continue to support student achievement.


Based on the limitations and powers of a school board member, whats your platform?  

X  Ensure that Reading and Math proficiency is greater than 50% at every school. I want to see Kyrene resources are directed to any school that falls far below this standard.

X  Increase student retention. We must compete effectively to increase their headcount by better satisfying the demands of parents who will ultimately make the decisions on which schools their children attend.

X  Increase staff retention. It is critical to reduce the turnover rate for Certified (Teaching) Staff and Classified (non-Teaching) Staff. These issues can be addressed collaboratively. Often times we find that its not always about money. Staff working conditions should be carefully considered as well. We can collectively work together to determine the primary reasons that staff leave their positions so appropriate corrective actions can be taken.

X  I am a servant to the community members. Talking with many of my constituents they agree that we need to focus on the basics of Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and History. My primary mission is to develop productive citizens capable of supporting themselves and contributing economically to the community.


What, if any, has been your involvement in schools and/or district activities?

My son is older, so I am just ramping up my involvement in Kyrene School District (KSD) affairs. I have only attended a few board meetings in person, but always review the agenda and watch the live stream. While not physically in the building, Im very much in tune with what the school board is doing.


I encourage everyone to get involved even if you dont have children in school. Because these kids will grow up and work in the hospitals, enter law enforcement, repair our houses and fix our cars. We depend on this generation of students to carry the torch.


How do you think the state should support public education? Do you believe in expanding school vouchers? 

School Choice is a reality that District Schools must face. We welcome the competition and intend to present Kyrene as the best choice available to parents for their children. Competition has driven some great innovations in Kyrene and has made us a much better District. I am going to be the voice of the parents


Please contact me with your questions and/or concerns, I am here for you. I would be honored to have your vote on November 5th.